
Kommigraphics always works
closely with you at every step of a
well structured procedure of brand
design, so that your views are.

To generate buzz for The Gifted, Fox’s highly anticipated television series, we unlocked fans’ hidden mutant powers.

The Project

Set in a post-X-men era, the pilot episode centers around a pair of siblings learning to harness their mutant power. Inspired by their efforts we decided to recreate the experience for fans. Guided by an experienced mutant (aka a brand ambassador), fans manipulated a real-life vending machine. Concentration and body movements were the key to controlling the movement. First, it shook, then it levitated and finally, it dispensed an item – a Gifted themed prize for fans to take home. We also captured the moment of levitation on a short video, which fans shared all over social.

My Role
Lead Designer

Designing an activation that lacked a traditional interface was a challenge. As the only designer on this project, I owned the experience from start to finish. I worked closely with our client, development team and fabrication partners to bring the concept to life. I also reported to our Creative Director, to ensure everything met our ambitious creative standards.



Fox Broadcasting Company