Set in a post-X-men era, the pilot episode centers around a pair of siblings learning to harness their mutant power. Inspired by their efforts we decided to recreate the experience for fans. Guided by an experienced mutant (aka a brand ambassador), fans manipulated a real-life vending machine. Concentration and body movements were the key to controlling the movement. First, it shook, then it levitated and finally, it dispensed an item – a Gifted themed prize for fans to take home. We also captured the moment of levitation on a short video, which fans shared all over social.
Designing an activation that lacked a traditional interface was a challenge. As the only designer on this project, I owned the experience from start to finish. I worked closely with our client, development team and fabrication partners to bring the concept to life. I also reported to our Creative Director, to ensure everything met our ambitious creative standards.
Fox Broadcasting Company